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世界男模大赛(Manhunt International)的足迹 1995年的冠军

发表于 2003-8-19 19:02:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1995年,在新加坡圣淘沙举行的比赛吸引了来自35个国家的选手参加。南非选手 Albe Geldenhuys 赢得了当年的世界男模大赛冠军。来自亚洲印度的 Dino Morea 获得了亚军称号。新加坡以及38个国家的电视台对这届男模大赛的总决赛进行了转播, 全球收看人数达到4.2亿。同时,该男模大赛也得到了大量的报纸和杂志等媒体的肯定。各媒体一致认为:男模比赛的时代到来了!他们的标题为 “追踪男模大赛!”。<br>
<IMG onmouseover="javascript:if(this.width>570)this.width=570;" style="CURSOR: hand" onclick=javascript:window.open(this.src); src="http://www.manhunt.com.sg/title-h/w1995.jpg" onload="javascript:if(this.width>570)this.width=570;" align=absmiddle border=0>THE URBAN WARRIOR FROM DURBAN <br><br>
South Africa's golden boy, 22-year-old Albe Geldenhuys, 1.84m, a police officer hails from the city of Durban. <br>
He stole the hearts of the judges in Singapore and we're sure he'll get the world's approval. He works as a forensic artist in the South African police force and is presently preparing himself to travel the world promoting his country and the ideals and objectives of Manhunt International. <br>
The contest was held &quot;live&quot; over National television. Hours after his gripping victory, and excited Albe exclaimed, &quot;I cannot believe it. There are other guys with better bodies and great looks. They should have won&quot;. <br>
However, little did he know then that the Manhunt contest was not a search for that perfect face and body but for that man who possessed some charm packed with a good physique, looks and a wonderful personality. <br>
In person, Albe is humble, worldly and obsessed with his physique. He works out almost everyday and believes in the best food for his body. The green-eyed hunk enjoys movies of Jodie Foster and Tom Hanks and claimed that the most romantic movie seen was The Bodyguard.<br>
<IMG onmouseover="javascript:if(this.width>570)this.width=570;" style="CURSOR: hand" onclick=javascript:window.open(this.src); src="http://www.manhunt.com.sg/title-h/1995-01.jpg" onload="javascript:if(this.width>570)this.width=570;" align=absmiddle border=0><IMG onmouseover="javascript:if(this.width>570)this.width=570;" style="CURSOR: hand" onclick=javascript:window.open(this.src); src="http://www.manhunt.com.sg/title-h/1995-02.jpg" onload="javascript:if(this.width>570)this.width=570;" align=absmiddle border=0><br>
<IMG onmouseover="javascript:if(this.width>570)this.width=570;" style="CURSOR: hand" onclick=javascript:window.open(this.src); src="http://www.manhunt.com.sg/title-h/1995-03.jpg" onload="javascript:if(this.width>570)this.width=570;" align=absmiddle border=0><IMG onmouseover="javascript:if(this.width>570)this.width=570;" style="CURSOR: hand" onclick=javascript:window.open(this.src); src="http://www.manhunt.com.sg/title-h/1995-04.jpg" onload="javascript:if(this.width>570)this.width=570;" align=absmiddle border=0>
发表于 2003-8-19 19:08:03 | 显示全部楼层

Re:世界男模大赛(Manhunt International)的足迹 1995年的冠军

穿着西装那么文质彬彬,脱下衣服原来是猛男一个 哈哈
发表于 2003-10-8 01:45:54 | 显示全部楼层

Re:世界男模大赛(Manhunt International)的足迹 1995年的冠军

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