




楼主: 东京的夜


发表于 2005-9-24 05:37:40 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2005-9-25 19:43:05 | 显示全部楼层

re:Of soup of love,the...

Of soup of love,the first is the best.--SHAW<br>
GOOD WORK.... How I envy your love destiny...<br>
<br>The first thing I want to insist is,whether your lover love you deeply or not,<br>
you should be his ONLY ONE. Looking back over my love destiny,it seems to me <br>
that I have learned most when I felt the greast pain.The break with my first <br>
partener, for example, made me more profoundly aware of ture love and sincerity.<br>
Once I swear that I will never fall in love with a married man. For I can not b<br>
e ar to share my love with other people.
发表于 2005-9-29 07:38:23 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2005-9-27 21:55:34 | 显示全部楼层

re:Happy or sorrow,assa...

Happy or sorrow,assault or being hurt,too hard to indentify. <br>
Maybe I will never be as lucy as you are, for I am not as good as you . <br>
Nevertheless, that means a lot for me.The up and downs of <br>
life seem to have unpredictable plan.<br>
Thank you, pal. <br>
发表于 2005-9-27 22:59:22 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-8 05:26:12 | 显示全部楼层


<font size=3><MARQUEE><span style="behavior:url(../inc/font.htc)">我们的故事</span></MARQUEE></font><br>
<font size=3>在你左右 还有多久 <br>
怎么样才能让时间倒流 每一分每一秒都珍重 <br>
握紧的手 不愿放松 十点半的飞机它在等候 <br>
不要再让自己的眼泪流 我必须要走 要记得~~~ <br>
我们的故事真难忘 太多的回忆和希望 <br>
不管它有多疯狂 我愿意一生收藏 <br>
我们的故事不能忘 太多的情节要发展 <br>
不要放弃 因为有一天缘份会继续 <br>
我知道你寂寞 一个人确实好难过 <br>
思念是一种痛 没有你叫我怎么活 <br>
身边充满诱惑 不坚定就容易犯错 <br>
你是否能看见未来的收获 你愿意在耐心等候 <br>
我们的故事真难忘 太多的回忆和希望 <br>
不管它有多疯狂 我愿意一生收藏 <br>
我们的故事不能忘 太多的情节要发展 <br>
不要放弃 因为有一天缘份会继续 <br>
让我们一起演完 </font><br>
<IMG onmouseover="javascript:if(this.width>520)this.width=520;" src="../leadbbsfile/fileType/jpg.gif" onload="javascript:if(this.width>520)this.width=520;" align=absmiddle border=0>此主题相关图片<br>
<IMG onmouseover="javascript:if(this.width>520)this.width=520;" style="CURSOR: hand" onclick=javascript:window.open(this.src); src="../leadbbsfile/upload/2005/10/07/220031.jpg" onload="javascript:if(this.width>520)this.width=520;" align=absmiddle border=0><br>
<a href="http://www.333mp3.com/uuauth/3/957/40359.wma " TARGET=_blank><IMG SRC=../leadbbsfile/FileType/mp3.gif border=0 align=absmiddle height=16 width=16>[点击打开媒体文件,注意此文件可能含有不安全内容]</a>
发表于 2005-10-13 23:46:07 | 显示全部楼层

re:life is like a game...

life is like a game and mission ,once u choose to play,leave no effort.<br>
when a break for love is up,do not smuge your mascara and push your <br>
food around the plate , yes or no ,let it be.<br>
close your eyes and recite from memory ...<br>
if i love him,i will set him free,<br>
if he is mine,he will be back,<br>
if he is not ,he has never meant to be.<br>
发表于 2005-10-14 22:09:14 | 显示全部楼层

re:anyway, i will behav...

anyway, i will behave in this way...
发表于 2005-10-24 06:30:10 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2005-10-24 06:56:45 | 显示全部楼层

re:祝福你们~两个老公都很快乐吧 呵呵

两个老公都很快乐吧 呵呵
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