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发表于 2004-9-16 23:00:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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巴 格 达 的 泪 ( Tears of Baghdad )<br>
作词:刘正标 张科<br>
<br>Tears of Baghdad <br>
当萨拉丁的鹰 傲然高飞 when Saladin eagle flies high in the sky<br>
天空中迷漫的 不仅是炮灰; it sees people suffer and hears them cry<br>
当红玫瑰 宁愿枯萎 when the red rose would rather die away<br>
地底下汹涌的 是黑色的泪 what’s surging underground is all black tears<br>
当撒哈拉的风 还往西吹 when Saharan wind still blows westward. <br>
沙漠里掩埋的 只能是原罪 the desert buries original sin only<br>
当巴格达 让人心碎 when Baghdad breaks the heart<br>
血管里奔流的 是红色的泪 what’s running in the vas is all red red tears<br>
是谁在公然肆意妄为 who is doing all this to the eye<br>
让空中花园炮声如雷 In Babylon garden gun screams loudly<br>
美丽的清真寺 容不下太多的忏悔 beautiful mosques can’t hold too much confession<br>
是谁在毅然坦然面对 who is facing all this calmly<br>
让太阳城堡不被摧毁 saving the sun castle from tragedy. <br>
古老的巴比伦 回想着和平的滋味 the old Babylon is recalling peace in the dream<br>
无数的血管在硝烟里流泪 thousands of vases are crying in the war<br>
哭泣着两河流域的伤悲 telling the sadness of two vallies<br>
沉默的古兰经 闪耀着圣洁的光辉 the silent Alco ran is shining very very saintly<br>
无数的勇敢在疼痛中流泪 thousands of the brave are crying with great pain<br>
诉说着一种信仰的唯美 telling us the beauty of the saint belief quietly<br>
微笑的穆斯林 树立着永恒的丰碑the smiling Muslim is setting up a monument forever<br>
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